Monday, July 21, 2014


Welcome!  My name is Sarah and I am super excited to introduce myself to you!  I just know that with your help, I will be able to share all things about living life on a very limited budget..and making it work! :)  I am 33 and the self proclaimed coupon queen of Gays, IL(that's where I live..we are a village of 300 people-so I don't have much competition, LOL).  I am a wife and mother.  My DH is 38 and physically disabled, from a auto accident in 2006.  He is a super strong willed man who deals with constant, unrelenting pain on the regular and still manages to be the best father to our 10 year old daughter.  We married in December of 2003 after dating for 3 years.  He is the only man I ever seriously dated as an adult.  He was my hunk then, and is my world, now!  

As a stay at home mom, my world crashed in more ways than one when the accident occurred.  We went from a comfortable income from my husbands construction work, to nothing.  Literally.  No income, nada.  I had to think quickly and figure out how to bring in some money and fast.  It was then I discovered the world of working from home or tele-commuting.  I have never went back outside the home to work since.  The freedom working from home has allowed me had been crucial in both raising a daughter, and dealing with my husbands disability.  Breaking into the work from home field wasn't easy back then.  I spent hours researching companies and "opportunities" to make sure they weren't business opps or scams and I have worked with many awesome companies and have the privilege of getting paid to work from my couch.

From 2006-2008, my work from home income was the only income for our family of 3.  My husbands disability took over 2 years to complete before he began receiving SSD, and even now, because he was so young when he became disabled, his monthly check is not enough to live on solely.  From these situations was born my love for frugality.  It is an addicting type of mindset..turning $1 into $10.  It takes practice and knowledge, but is easily done once you have the tools.  In our situation, we had no options...we had the Internet and a need for basic necessities(shampoo, toothpaste, razors, ect) so I, again, spent hours learning how to buy our necessities with little to no money.  Whether your motivation for wanting to save money is for budget reasons, for a challenge, or just to be more conscious of your spending...whatever the reason, a slick-deal type of mindset is definitely a good one to have.  I plan to use this blog to share with you how to stretch your dollars when purchasing your "needed" items, and also, how to acquire your "wants" for less.  Frugality is a lifestyle that I take seriously and hope you develop a love for it too!~

Please feel free to email me your suggestions on post topics, things you would like to read about, things you want to learn more about, or anything!  I am a work from home, holistic healing believer, who coupons and ad-matches weekly.  My methods may not be for everyone...but work for my pocketbook!  Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and my motivations, please feel free to share yours!  Until our next virtual rendezvous...

Take Care and Be Blessed! 



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